Diet Clinic

Diet Clinic

Swapna Healthcare has an in-house Dieticians, who can be consulted to give you the right diet chart that is required for you personally. Each and every person is different and the diet to be followed varies from aliment to aliment and person to person.

A healthy diet during pregnancy is essential to provide all the nutrients needed by a mother and her growing baby. It is a common misconception that pregnant women need to “eat for two”. In fact, most of the additional nutrients needed during pregnancy can be obtained by selecting appropriate foods and eating a high-quality nutrient-dense diet. It is important for pregnant women to adopt good food and hygiene practices to minimize the risk of food poisoning from harmful bacteria and to avoid substances in foods and drinks that might be potentially harmful to them or their growing baby.

A healthy pregnancy diet will promote your baby’s growth and development. Swapna Healthcare’s in-house Dieticians helps you understand which nutrients you need most and where to find them. What you should eat during pregnancy and what you should eat after your baby is born. How to eat nutritious food that helps you feed your child but at the same time helps you get back into shape again – women with diabetes and hypertension in pregnancy also need to advise on diet. Obesity has become very common not only at midlife but also in adolescents. A comprehensive lifestyle management plan will go a long way in achieving good results.

Pregnant women, as well as those planning for pregnancy, should follow a healthy, balanced diet. This can be achieved by following the usual guidelines, which are based around the five main food groups:

  • 1) Bread, other cereals and potatoes. Foods in this group include breakfast cereals, pasta and rice. These foods should make up the main part of the diet. They are good sources of carbohydrate, protein and B vitamins, low in fat and filling. Whole-grain varieties contain more vitamins and minerals and breakfast cereals that contain added iron and folic acid are a good choice during pregnancy.
  • 2) Meat, fish and alternatives. Alternatives include eggs, nuts, pulses (such as beans, lentils, chickpeas) and textured vegetable protein. These should be consumed in moderate amounts and lower fat versions selected whenever possible. They are a major source of protein, vitamins and minerals. At least one portion of oily fish (e.g. sardines or salmon) a week will ensure an adequate supply of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • 3) Milk and dairy foods. These should be consumed in moderate amounts and lower fat versions are preferable. These foods are particularly high in calcium and good sources of protein. Skimmed and semi-skimmed milk contains just as much calcium and protein as whole milk.
  • 4) Foods containing fat and sugar. These foods add palatability to the diet but should be eaten infrequently.