Tips for walking as part of pregnancy exercises

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Tips for walking as part of pregnancy exercises

Tips for walking as part of pregnancy exercises

Walking is a safe and simple way to exercise at home during pregnancy. It’s the perfect activity to start with if you’re not used to exercise. Being active during your pregnancy will improve yours and your baby’s health. You are less likely to suffer from common pregnancy complaints, such as tiredness, varicose veins and swollen feet, if you stay active and exercise at home.

Kindly consult your obstetrician for clearance before walking.

Staying active in pregnancy has great benefits for normal and easy delivery

  • Reduces back pain
  • Eases constipation
  • May decrease your risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and cesarean delivery
  • Promotes healthy weight gain during pregnancy
  • Improves your overall general fitness and strengthens your heart and blood vessels
  • Helps you to lose the baby weight after your baby is born

 Even if you didn’t exercise before pregnancy, this is a great time to start, and walking is the perfect activity to begin with. You can do it whenever it suits you, it’s free and you don’t need any special equipment

deally, pregnant women should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. An aerobic activity is one in which you move large muscles of the body (like those in the legs and arms) in a rhythmic way. Moderate intensity means you are moving enough to raise your heart rate and start sweating. You still can talk normally, but you cannot sing.

Examples of moderate-intensity aerobic activity include brisk walking You can divide the 150 minutes into 30-minute workouts on 5 days of the week or into smaller 10-minute walks throughout each day.

If you are new to exercise, start out slowly and gradually increase your activity. Begin with as little as 5 minutes a day. Add 5 minutes each week until you can stay active for 30 minutes a day.

Tips for walking in pregnancy

  • wear comfortable shoes
  • stay on level ground
  • don’t walk during the hottest part of the day
  • carry water with you and drink regularly.

You can walk all through your pregnancy, as long as you feel comfortable.

Why walking is a perfect pregnancy activity

  • It’s free.
  • You can do it wherever you are.
  • You can easily fit in a walk during your lunch break at work.
  • You can walk on your own or with friends.
  • It’s low impact, so you can do it right up to labour if you feel okay.

 You can continue after the birth, taking your baby out and about in the stroller.